Food Sensitivity Testing

By Amy McInnis

What is the difference between allergy testing and sensitivity testing?

When you think of Allergy testing, the vision that comes to mind is a series of scratch tests that illicit a histamine response. A rash or hive or skin irritation erupts at the test site. The offensive item is identified as the allergen.

Sensitivity Testing on the other hand, identifies items that create an immune response in varying areas of the body. These reactions can and will be very different from one person to the next. The reactions can include the following; acne, arthritis, fatigue, hyperactivity, nausea, constipation, muscle pain, sinusitis, asthma symptoms, heartburn, diarrhea, headaches and the list goes on.

Sensitiives unaddressed can lead to more serious sympotms and possibly illness. Once the "triggers" have been identified, the offending item can be avoided to allow the body to return to homeostasis or a state of balance.

How is Food Sensitivity Testing Done?

Bio Energetic testing via the VAS (Vascular Autonomic Signal) involves taking one's pulse while challenging the individual with varying food and chemical substances. The response is like the "fight or flight" reaction and indicates whether the body percieves the potential item as a threat. There are no needles or scratching involved, just your pulse, therefore it is non-invasive.

How do I prepare for the test?

There is no prep. The test consultation will take about an hour. You will take home your results that day. Supplements can be helpful to assist in achieving balance and may be suggested.

How quickly will I feel results?

When you take a prescribed medication, it is treating the symptom. Every individual is unique and responses vary. After identifying the "triggers" and elmination of those items from the diet, results will come. Remember you are going after the root cause of the problem.